Is there a better way to transfer our pan-African knowledge than with family and friends around a game of cards?


Please help share and make your preorder. We have just a limited edition. You can also just make a small contribution for those to whom we might sell for less or give for free


The long-awaited

Pan-African playing cards are here!



Is there a better way to transfer our pan-African knowledge than with family and friends around a game of cards?


These cards portray African heroines, heroes, and victims of the MAAFA (a Swahili term for the atrocities and effects of slavery and colonialism on African/Black people worldwide), from ancient leaders like Queen Nzinga and Shaka Zulu to modern figures like Wangari Maathai and Thomas Sankara, who embody resilience, wisdom, and transformative vision. Their critical thoughts and actions challenged oppressive systems, inspired unity, and paved the way for social, environmental, and political progress across the continent and beyond.

The cards are meant to educate, honor, and commemorate their contributions and those of other brave Ancestresses and Ancestors. We should educate ourselves and future generations to follow in their footsteps and continue from where they left off.

“Unity will not make us rich, but it will make it difficult for Africa and African people to be disregarded and humiliated.”

Mwalimu. J.K. Nyerere


Apologies for cross-posting!

———————— KISWAHILI ———————

Jamii ya Hey!

Hakuna mahali pazuri pa kutangaza hatua hii ya kihistoria katika mtandao wetu: Tumetengeneza kadi za kucheza za ABC. Wao ni katika mchakato wa kuchapishwa wakati wa kuandika. Tunatarajia kwamba watapatikana mwanzoni mwa mwaka ujao (wiki ya kwanza ya Januari 2025).

Tafadhali 🙏🏿 saidia kueneza neno na kuagiza yako mwenyewe. Unaweza pia kutusaidia kifedha kwa kutoa mchango wa ushuru kwa maelezo yetu ya benki yaliyoonyeshwa hapa au kwa akaunti yetu ya PayPal. Tuendelee kuangaza

———————— DE ———————

Halo Community!
Es gibt keinen besseren Ort, um diesen historischen Meilenstein unserer Vernetzung zu verkünden:
Wir haben die ABC-Spielkarten entwickelt. Sie befinden sich in der Druckerei, während wir euch hier schreiben. Hoffentlich werden sie Anfang nächsten Jahres (erste Januarwoche 2025) erhältlich sein.

Bitte hilft 🙏🏿 dabei, die Nachricht zu verbreiten und bestellt eure Karten.
Sie können uns auch finanziell unterstützen, indem Sie eine steuerlich absetzbare Spende an unsere hier angegebene Bankverbindung oder unser PayPal-Konto überweisen.
Lasst uns weiter strahlen

———————— EN ———————

Hello Community!
There is no better place to announce this historic milestone of our networking:
We have developed ABC playing cards. They are in the printing press, as we write. Hopefully, they will be available by the beginning of next year (first week of January 2025).

Please 🙏🏿 help spread the news and order yours.
You can also support us financially through a tax-deductible donation to our bank details posted here or our PayPal account.
Let’s continue to shine

———————— FR ———————

Salut la Communauté !
Il n’y a pas de meilleur endroit pour annoncer cette étape historique de notre réseau :
Nous avons développé des cartes à jouer ABC. Elles sont en cours d’impression à l’heure où nous écrivons ces lignes. Nous espérons qu’elles seront disponibles au début de l’année prochaine (première semaine de janvier 2025).

S’il vous plaît, 🙏🏿, aidez à répandre la nouvelle et commandez les vôtres.
Vous pouvez également nous soutenir financièrement en faisant un don déductible des impôts à nos coordonnées bancaires affichées ici ou à notre compte PayPal.
Continuons à briller





4.50€ for the postal fee
1 package / 8.50€
3 Packages / a 8€  for a total of 24€
5 Packages / a 7.50€ for a total of 37.50€
10 Packages / a 7€ for a total of 70€




Our Paypal account:




Bank Info: Förderverein PEACE e.V.
IBAN (SWIFT):DE75 1005 0000 0190 7125 38 – BIC: BELADEBEXXX
Purpose: Donate or become a supporting member of PEACE e.V.
Sparkasse BerlinDonations to PEACE e.V. are tax-deductibleRegistered in the register of associations at the district court Charlottenburg
(to VR 36062 B)
Tax No.: 27/675/51184














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