Did you know many African countries continue to pay colonial tax to France since their independence till today! Guinea (Conakry) When Sékou Touré of Guinea decided in 1958 to get out of french colonial empire, and opted for the country ...
The first International Congress of African/ Black Writers and Artists was held in Paris from September 19 to 22, 1956 at the initiative of Alioune Diop (Director of the journal Présence Africaine) and under the auspices of the journal ...
This piece is about our Liberation Struggles and DECOLONIZATION… CONCERNING VIOLENCE – The Blackman’s BURDEN National liberation, national renaissance, the restoration of nationhood to the people, commonwealth: whatever may be the headings used or the new formulas introduced, decolonization is ...
If #Africans / #BlackPeople learned their #AfricanHistory / #BlackHistory like they learn the Bible and Quran, Africa would be a powerful continent. But many of the enslaved and their descendants would ultimately prefer to be motivated and uplifted by faiths ...
The brief visit to the PEACE Center was on the 13 of February 2020. The main aim of this visit was to see the Center and to discover more about it. On arriving the Center at about 11:30 am ...
PEACE (Peer Exchange of African Communities for Empowerment) Erklärung zur Unterstützung und Solidarität mit den Flüchtlingen und das VOICE Refugee Forum, bei der Demonstration in Gotha gegen die Abschiebung von 30.000 Afrikanern (Nigerianern) aus Deutschland. Die PEACE Int. Netzwerk, auch ...
PEACE (Peer Exchange of African Communities for Empowerment) Statement of Support and Solidarity with the Refugees and The VOICE Refugee Forum, in the Gotha demonstration against the deportation of 30.000 Africans (Nigerians) from Germany. The PEACE Int. Network, also as ...
MY PATH THROUGH ENLIGHTENMENT, ONE YEAR ON!! by Ebot Mbi, Q. In life, change is the only thing that is constant. For a person to grow and do exploit in life, she/he must accept change. Thus, if a person can’t ...
Françafrique: A colonial pact that “weighs heavily” on the destiny of several countries. Decades after Independence, these countries continue to deposit via their central banks 50% of their foreign exchange reserves to the French Treasury, under the terms of the ...
PEACE Int. Germany presents: The 2nd African/ Black Identity Series (2nd ABIS). How does Pan-Africanism embolden us or does it energise us at all in our daily struggles as Africans? Date: 25th May 2019 Time: 5pm, workshop begin. Place: Tembo ...