Sometimes they ask for complete fees of the debuting semester, irrespective of whether it is a Bachelor program or a Master program. But you have to follow up your students visa in their respective embassies alone and without assistance from ...
The ABC is a German-wide Afrocentric and Pan-African network of Organisations and individual activists. It is run under the auspices of exclusively African and/or Blacks people with African genealogical roots (hence, the name African/Black Community) whose objectives are stipulated in ...
The first International Congress of African/ Black Writers and Artists was held in Paris from September 19 to 22, 1956 at the initiative of Alioune Diop (Director of the journal Présence Africaine) and under the auspices of the journal ...
The brief visit to the PEACE Center was on the 13 of February 2020. The main aim of this visit was to see the Center and to discover more about it. On arriving the Center at about 11:30 am ...
MY PATH THROUGH ENLIGHTENMENT, ONE YEAR ON!! by Ebot Mbi, Q. In life, change is the only thing that is constant. For a person to grow and do exploit in life, she/he must accept change. Thus, if a person can’t ...