Sometimes they ask for complete fees of the debuting semester, irrespective of whether it is a Bachelor program or a Master program.
But you have to follow up your students visa in their respective embassies alone and without assistance from the corresponding higher academic institutes, be it professional vocational institutes or Universities of higher learning.
When the application for your student visa is rejected, there is no way to get back complete refund even though you are not responsible for your own rejection.
At times, one is left wanting after many trials, to get even an appointment in their respective embassies or consulates.
The final casualty is when your admission expires without you getting a visa. If you were on study Leave in your home country, this might be detrimental to your profession. And if you just finished high school or any higher institute of learning, the budget you so well saved for your studies starts diminishing or is even depleted after many trials.
Prospective students, young and old are reaching us, complaining about this new form of neo-colonial exploitation.
Here is a testimony of a student who has twice experienced this form of exploitation and it is not the only case.
From a professional wishing to further studies in the UK:
The torture I have received from the UKVI (UK Visas and Immigration)
I am a Cameroonian who got admission into one of UK’s university to study MSc. in management, for September session in University of Bradford. I applied for my study visa on the 5/5/2022 and got rejected by a case worker who made an error by verifying my bank statement from another bank instead of verifying from the bank which I submitted my bank statement.
When I received the rejection email I was so touched because all my documents were correct but the case worker out of his or her own wickedness decided to refuse me the visa.
Not withstanding, I went in for an administrative review on the 07 /07/2022 and the administrative review was overturned on the 1st. Sept 2022. From then till date I have not heard from the UKVI, meaning they just wanted to exploit my finances because I have paid for the visa fees and administrative review plus several paid emails (You pay them for reading emails that you write to them as response to their actions and requests).
A big nation of this magnitude keeps complaining of of world events, for reasons why they are unable to process students visas and/or even handle administrative reviews.
Holding my career for a 1 full year for their selfish reasons; can other nations treat British citizens this way? It’s a pity for us Africans/Black people getting this kind of treatment from so-called Western/civilised/European/Whites.
Information compiled by PEACE Research Network (PRN)
Please send us your own experience or those of others for further documentation and exposure.
This could be done anonymously and we will not publish your personal and private data, unless you so wish.
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